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Company Activity

• The collection of debts whether they are due or doubtful debts for the benefit of creditors from all customers that are not continuing and defaulters through our team, who include a sufficient number of competent professionals who have previous experience in collecting debts from various types of customer personalities since the moment of receiving work till delivering it through continuous follow-up work and continuous field visits (as the main content of our work), dealing on the ground directly facing the client to complete the collection of debts.

• The company accepts and takes charge of (ESCAPING CASES) resulting from leaving the client country where we are aware of the different laws and obligations of the client from one country to another. the customers are reached through an updates database to help our qualified and trained staff to access and dealing in such cases through a sitting meeting negotiate with the client to pay in a friendly form or legal form to pay debts and resolve disputes

• The company provides legal services and legal follow-up to debtors who stopped paying after all exhausting friendly solutions, as well as following up the execution of civil or criminal judgments for the good of our agent if requested. We have a group of experienced lawyers in the field of commercial, civil and criminal disputes and corporate cases. And Legal Banking.

• We accept and work on completing credit inquiry forms for all Potential customers and current customers of our clients through our credit inquiry service to come up with the best reliable report format to help our clients evaluate and examine the risks they may be exposed to due to credit granting
